As leading company in the packaging industry, Cocoon SRL based in Lissone,provides a wide range of anti-oxidant products.

Characteristics of VCI – Volatile Corrosion Inhibitor

VCI (Volatile Corrosion Inhibitor) is a corrosion inhibitor that slowly evaporates from the substrate (polyethylene, paper, sponge) in the packaging, attacking the oxygen and neutralizing its oxidizing action, preventing the formation of rust.

VCI Cocoon products correspond to Mil PRF 3420G – TL 8135-0002 level 3 specifications.

VCI Cocoon components on the metal surface eliminate corrosion by making the electron flow between the anode and cathode areas on surfaces passive. They form a physical layer, insoluble in water, thus preventing direct contact of water and moisture with the metal, which would give rise to an electrolyte and regulating the pH value as a result.

• Anti-corrosion Prerust papers for Iron,steel,chrome, alluminum
• Prerust 50-60-70 gr/squared meters ,smooth doubleside coated
• Prerust 85p smooth waxed 76 gr/sq meter

funzionamento di un film da imballaggio in vci

• Prerust 90pe smooth polyethanate 76 gr/sq meter
• Prerust NCK 110 doubleside crinkled 180 gr/sq meter
• Prerust HYNCKW 110/70 crinkled waxed 200 gr/sq meter
• Prerust K55 for copper 63 gr/sq meter
• Prerust papers anti-corrosion for iron, steel, chrome, alluminum, brass, Presrust 80 UN smooth multimetal doubleside coated 76 gr/sq meter
• Prerust Polyethilene anti-corrosion for iron, steel, chrome, alluminum, brass, copper, spools, thickness from 70 to 150 micron, height from 1 to 8 meters
• Prerust sponges anti-corrosion for iron, stee, chrome, alluminum, brass, copper. Density 40 kg/cube meter – Roll height 1 meter – 230×270 mm

    Protective oils

    Protective oils AC90 and WD40 are supplied loose, in cans or in spray cans. They lubricate, release, protect, deoxidize, are water repellent and fat melting. They do not affect paints while maintaining their characteristics at high and low temperatures. To specific Mil C 81309 E.

    Spray cans and barrels WD40 and AC90. Metaltyl anti-rust oils and bituminous hydro-repellent wax-based products. They offer long-lasting corrosion protection and can be applied by immersion or brush. To specifications Mil – C – 16173 / MIL-C-23411 / MIL-P-116 / Born – C – 614.
